

The original picture for this document was a black and white photo of a cowboy. We added color to this picture by using the paintbrush tool. To get the stripes even on the American flag, we used a rectangular selection … Continue reading



To create this picture, we cut out weeds using a selection tool. Since it would take too long to cut out every detail of the weeds, we used the refined edge tool to feather the edges and cut the selection … Continue reading



We used an elephant in a landscape as our starting picture for this document. To remove the elephant from our background, we used selection tools such as the lasso tool to cut around it. Because this was not a perfect … Continue reading

Salad Man

Salad Man

In order to create this salad man in photoshop, we used different lasso tools to cut out the fruit and vegetables that make up his face. These include the lasso, magic wand, and more. We rearranged these parts using the … Continue reading



We used the perspective grid tool and rectangle tools to create buildings that appeared to be at an angle from one point perspective. Using this grid we were able to add text and symbols to the buildings. We added gradients … Continue reading