Journal Entry #16: Futura Article

Journal Entry #16: Futura Article

This article from Typography Magazine caught my eye because of its consistency. The article is written about the font Futura. It is written in Futura, and the image on the facing page is the creator of the font made out of the word “Futura” in the font Futura. I thought it was interesting how the author was able to make the spread look so diverse and interesting with so much consistency.

To create this, the designed probably used indesign. They used various textboxes to create the headline and subheading. They added columns for the body text, and added a separate, tilted textbox for the P that starts the first sentence. To get the quote on the inside of the body text, they created a text box, typed the quote, and used the setting “Wrap around bounding box” to get the columns formatted around it. I am not sure what program they used to create the picture of the man, but I am sure it could be done in illustrator. They probably copied and pasted the word Futura over and over again and resized the boxes to form the picture on a new tracing layer, unless there is a way that I am unsure about to get the words around the picture. I am not sure “type on a path” would be able to do this.

I like the balance of this spread. I like that the picture of the man is overlapping to the facing page. I like the boldness and size of the headline, and the colors that they used for their headline to make it stand out.

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