Journal Entry #18: Hopdoddy Burger Bar

Journal Entry #18: Hopdoddy Burger Bar

When researching for my final brochure, I came across this hopdoddy menu. It features only black and white colors, the logo on the tops of the pages, the burgers and beer with a black background since they are their main features, as well as a consistent font.

I am almost positive this was done in inDesign. Im sure it is comprised mainly of various size text boxes, some with a black background and white stroke on the text and some vice versa. To get the subheading spaced out evenly in the textbox, they could have used the Kerning and Tracking adjustments to get the letters spread to the edges of the text box, as well as an even amount of space between the edges.

Balance is a big component in this menu. I like how they have the black textboxes on both sides of the page to add a sense of symmetry. It also gets your eyes moving to the main selling points of the restaurant. The symmetry of the logos on either side as well as a textbox with a black stroke at the bottom on either side really makes it feel even and adds to what otherwise could be a boring menu.

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