Journal Entry #20: Contact Advertisement

Journal Entry #20: Contact Advertisement

I thought this ad was cute. It shows a target in clouds with one half of the page blurry with a finger holding a contact, and the right side of the page crystal clear with the text “see the difference” and an image of the contact’s packaging.

To create this in photoshop, the designers could have first created the background image. They probably cut out an image of a target and put it onto an image of the sky. To add the scratches, they could have used the fx button and added a scratching effect onto the picture. Then, I am assuming they put a rectangle on the other half of the page, and added a gausian blur to that side. The picture of the hand looks almost unrealistic, so it makes me wonder if they made that hand themselves.

Balance is the most important aspect of this advertisement to me. The symmetry plays a huge role in the “before/after” effect they are trying to get across when using their product. the fact that the blurred image starts in the middle of the page balances the image out as well as the fact that there is a hand with a contact in the left bottom corner of the page, and an image and text in the opposite bottom corner of the page.

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