

We used the content aware tool to edit this picture with goats. We used the content aware tool and selected using the lasso parts of the landscape and dragged them over areas that we wanted to cover with what we … Continue reading

Girl wit Hair

Girl wit Hair

To make this liquify picture, we used different tools to edit the girls face. We used pucker and bloat on her facial features to give them cartoon characteristics. For example, we bloated her eyes to make them extremely large and … Continue reading



This type treatment was a long process of steps. To start, we added a paper bag texture to the background. We put a layer of transparent green on top of that, and added transparent black paintbrush to the edge to … Continue reading



The original picture for this document was a black and white photo of a cowboy. We added color to this picture by using the paintbrush tool. To get the stripes even on the American flag, we used a rectangular selection … Continue reading



To create this picture, we cut out weeds using a selection tool. Since it would take too long to cut out every detail of the weeds, we used the refined edge tool to feather the edges and cut the selection … Continue reading